Benefits of Google Ads Services


Google Ads

It is an advertising service created by Google, which allows advertisers to show clickable ads in Google search results. Using payment systems like PPC Services, advertisers bid on specific keywords for which they want to show up for in the paid search results. When users perform a search containing those keywords, Google displays ads in the paid search result. One of the major benefits of Google ads Services is that advertisers are on a charged pay-per-click basis, they will only pay if a user clicks on the ad.

Benefits of Google Ads

AdWords Work Faster Than SEO.

The topmost benefit of Google AdWords is that it works faster than SEO. Both Google AdWords and SEO are search engine marketing strategies to generate more traffic and leads. But a well-organized word campaign can work much faster for a business to get the much-coveted first spot in search.

Google AdWords is Faster Because:

  1. You can focus on multiple keywords at a time.
  2. You can turn the campaign on or off whenever you want to.
  3. Ads that appear on the top of the page get immediate visibility.

Off-course, this does not mean that you should ignore organic sources as they have long-term benefits. But without words, there is a better chance of driving more traffic and leads instantly. Additionally, the platform here is more transparent and you know exactly what is happening with the ads.

Increase Brand Awareness.

Google AdWords in addition to boosting traffic clicks and convergence, also helps effectively to tell people about your brand. To verify this, Google partnered with Ipsos to run a study across 12 verticals, right from automobiles to retail. It was discovered that search ads lift-top-of-Mind awareness by an average of 6.6 %.

When it comes to SEO, rank also depends on the number of your brand name, searches, and its variation. That is another reason you should aim to increase brand awareness through search, as well as display through ads.

Reach More Customers Through the Gmail Inbox.

One of the most used marketing strategies in every business is email marketing, which is why Gmail ads can be useful as well. In September 2015, Google integrated Gmail ads with Google AdWords and made it available to all our advertisers which means, you can reach more prospects through their Gmail inbox.

Usually, Gmail ads appear on the promotion tab but sometimes, you can see them on the social tab too. These ads run on both desktops and mobiles. Such Gmail ads generally cost much less than search ads. Small budgets can also try Gmail ads as well.

Measure Your Performance Consistently.

It is difficult to measure the outcome of traditional advertisements like newspapers, radio, broadcast television, cable television, outdoor billboards, brochures, etc. Also, they are much more expensive than Google AdWords. You cannot control their budget and spend additionally. You would not know the source of the leads coming from these media.

But AdWords, On the Other Hand, Would Tell You Exactly What Happened With The Campaign:

  • Who clicked on your ad?
  • How many leads have been generated?
  • How much traffic have got you from AdWords to your website?
  • Which keyword generated the most traffic and leads.
  • How much does it cost you per lead?

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